They know they shouldn’t be there.
Not at this time. Not at this moment.
Their antics are unwelcome.
But they can’t help it. It’s too compelling. Too exciting.
Like the scorpion who struck down the swan in the middle of the river, it’s in their nature.
They are driven to do what they’re doing. An urge that wells up from deep inside them.
Something evolution forgot to erase.
As I sit here typing this, I can hear her plaintive wails.
The desperate cries of exasperation, steeped in frustration.
Entreating. Cajoling. Cursing. Pleading.
At once complimentary and angry.
Begging them to cease. To desist.
It all falls on deaf ears.
Or ears that hear but choose not to listen.
Or maybe they don’t understand.
For they are just two kittens.
And she is making the bed.
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash
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