There is no greater joy than accomplishing the start of a goal that’s been 2+ years in the making.
Roughly a year ago to the day, I officially made first contact with a crow.
For two years (or longer) I’ve kept two peanuts (still in shell) at my desk in the hopes of bartering it for crow-friendship.
At every instance of seeing a crow nearby, I would head outside post-haste with my two big nuts in hand, and give them as a generous offering. A beautiful offering. The most beautiful offering.
Almost invariably, over the years and with every attempt, the seagulls (who happen to always be around) would bully the poor crow(s) by making an aggressive swoop for the proffered gifts, and I’d have to rush in to rescind my offering.
That’s right. I got in the fray, scared the seagulls off, and would take my two big nuts back.
That morning a year ago was different.
The crow stood there on the utility pole. Glistening black feathers, shimmering in the sunlight. A bird, not quite on a wire, solitary and stoic.
I quickly dropped what I was doing (basically stopped scrolling through my social media news-feed) and rushed out with the gift of my delicious crunchy nuts.
And with a sharp inter-species clucking sound escaping my lips, I flung those two lemniscate orbs into the open parking spot just below the pole, and retreated to demonstrate I meant no harm, no threat.
Not even 10 seconds later, the majestic crow, wings at full abduction, glided down in an incredible Golden Spiral pattern, causing not only a flutter in the air, but also one deep inside my lumpy coal heart.
It delicately plucked the one peanut and flew off.
But, before departing, I swear, it looked back over it’s crowy shoulder and gave me that glance.
That glance of friendship.
It was happening. After all these years. Success.
I have a crow-friend.
Photo by Hannes Wolf on Unsplash
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