In my pursuit of science, I believe I’ve discovered where raisins come from…
Through my own recent experience, I have no doubt that they come from the unreachable, deepest, darkest recesses found only under rarely moved refrigerators.
I come to this conclusion, not randomly but through my own experience and scientific mind. I dropped a plump, juicy grape, and it immediately rolled under the fridge, never to be seen again.
Mind you, it was dropped nowhere near the fridge, but made its way there. A silent but purposeful meandering along some unseen path, drawn to some unknown beacon, much like Mothra is drawn to a flame.
Following its nature.
I can only conclude that once this globule of goodness desiccates, it will be harvested in the middle of the night by erstwhile garden gnomes, and be re-purposed for nefarious means.
Like pretending to be a chocolate chip.
Photo by Nacho Domínguez Argenta on Unsplash
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